FuelBetter Nutrition was created to provide a world-class coaching service to people like you, in order to help you feel better, move better, look better and perform better - now and into the future.


The FuelBetter Approach

To put it simply the aim is to do two things, and do them well. Firstly, to create high quality, evidence-based free educational nutrition and sports science resources, in order to try to help dispel the multitude of nutritional myths out there and contribute to a more savvy (and healthy) general population.

Secondly, to provide a coaching experience where the concerns, aims and needs of the client are paramount. This meticulous approach ensures progress towards each client's goals, however diverse they may be, so as to help them achieve their potential.

The bottom line is that an evidence-based approach to your nutrition and coaching will always be taken. You won't find any faddy diets or magical detoxes on these pages or in any of my resources. I understand that your time and money are incredibly valuable to you and don't want you to waste either of them. Let me help you by providing simple to follow, proven solutions to your individual situation.


So who's behind Fuelbetter nutrition?

That would be me, Al Langlands. Mr Sweaty in the picture there. 

I'm a bit of an exercise nut and a complete geek when it comes to nutrition (evenings spent reading randomised clinical trials anyone?), but that wasn't always the case.

I started my working life as a teacher around ten years ago and at that time really struggled to maintain a healthy work-life balance. My diet was shocking, my activity levels were rock bottom and I was as skinny as a rake (that's not a good thing). I had horrendous energy levels, my relationship with my now-wife was suffering and I was generally a pretty grumpy bugger to be around.

I decided to change everything. 

I started studying nutrition and applying what I learnt to myself. I took up road cycling, running and weight lifting... I began to feel better. I left my job and retrained as a strength coach and nutritionist, determined to help others make the positive changes I had. Over time I studied with the UKSCA (the UK Strength & Conditioning Association) and achieved a distinction in qualifying as a certified nutritionist with MNU, being mentored by the renowned clinical and performance nutritionist Martin MacDonald. Through improving my own nutrition and exercise I'm now in the best shape of my life - tackling adventure races, 500 mile endurance cycles and am able to pull off the whole beach holiday thing quite happily.

Over the years I've helped men and women of all ages and fitness levels get leaner, improve their sporting performance and generally feel better, even proud of their bodies and themselves. Join us and also reap that benefit.