The Benefits of Personal Coaching

Join Team FuelBetter and you'll receive help with any of the following, depending on your goals:

  • Nutritional Periodisation - already have a training plan or competitions in the diary? A long-term nutritional strategy will be designed for you, in order to best support your training and maximise your performance.
  • Weight Loss for Performance - if you feel that you're carrying extra pounds which are hindering your climbing, power output or general speed, whether on the bike or on foot (or just want to look better naked!) - we can develop a plan to trim down without compromising training intensity and therefore guarantee improved performance.
  • Strength Training Programming - If you're looking for guidance and structure in terms of gym work to improve your comfort on the bike, peak power output and general athleticism we can provide a training program, unique to your own particular needs and experience.
  • Evidence-Based Advice - All of the recommendations and strategies used as part of our coaching approach are backed by a combination of peer-reviewed scientific literature and experience. You won't find any pseudoscience or quackery here.
  • Accountability - The real strength of personal coaching lies with the knowledge that your coach is always looking over your shoulder, providing encouragement or a reality check when needed. FBN can provide that accountability you need to ensure you progress, whatever your goal may be.

Coaching Packages


Nutrition only

Our core coaching package includes:

  • An analysis of your current diet
  • Setting of appropriate goals
  • A nutrition plan (adjusted weekly or as needed)
  • Long term periodised nutritional programme
  • Practical help in order to hit targets and maintain progress
  • Food Options - both everyday and event nutrition

Nutrition & Training

In addition to the core nutrition package you will receive:

  • A bespoke strength training plan (adjusted weekly or as needed)
  • Analysis of technique
  • Matching of your nutrition plan to your training
  • Monitoring of fatigue and training performance to aid progression


Before you apply to be coached, make sure you conform to the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are not looking for a quick fix or one-off meal plan - I only work with people looking to achieve impressive results. These are only possible with work and engagement in the coaching process. There are plenty of alternatives available online if this is not what you're looking for.
  • You are not looking for cheap or 'budget' coaching - FBN coaching guarantees results. This requires an in-depth and all-encompassing approach to your plan. No two coaching plans are the same and require a lot of work. FBN don't do cookie-cutter plans and the price reflects this.
  • You aren't looking for medical advice - I'm not a doctor. If you require specific medical advice for a specific condition, please contact a specialist.
  • You aren't looking for physique competition prep planning - This is not where my expertise lies. I can refer you to world-class coaches who can help however.
  • You have some experience in tracking food intake using an app (like MyFitnessPal) - (or are willing to do so for a period).

Apply For Coaching

If you deem yourself a good fit for FBN Personal Coaching then please apply. Once you submit your application you will receive an email in order to book a consultation call. I will then be in touch for an extended chat about your current situation and goals in more detail.

If we're all happy to proceed, you'll be offered a coaching spot. If I'm fully booked however you will be offered a place on the waiting list and contacted once a space opens up.



How much is coaching with FuelBetter Nutrition? +

When you make an appointment for a consultation call, we will discuss price. The reason this isn't published on the website is to discourage 'window shopping' or for the decision to work with a coach to be made solely on price. The best results are achieved when the participants believe in the coaching process - this generally has nothing to do with price.

How does the application process work? +

Once you have completed your application you will recieve an email with a link for you to book a consultation call, via Skype or Zoom, to discuss your goals in detail. If after the call all parties are happy to begin coaching, and there are coaching spaces free, you will be offered a place on the coaching program. Your place will be secured by making payment within 48 hours.

Who is FBN Personal Coaching for? +

As mentioned above, it isn't for those looking for bodybuilding comp preparation or those just looking to slightly improve their health.

Over the years I have worked with athletes competing in marathons, ultramarathon, sportives, triathlon and elite cycling. I work with people looking at taking a scientific approach to improving both their performance and body composition.

Endurance performance and having a body you can be proud of aren't mutually exclusive. I can help you achieve both.