Christmas Survival

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Christmas Dinner...everyone loves the social side of it, especially the yearly family fall out. It's what Christmas is all about isn't it? 

If you're dieting however, it can be a bit of a nightmare. So do we just write off the day as a one off? It's an option. I'll be doing a post later based on a recent study as to why that might not be a great idea though.

So what do we do? Wallow in self-pity on Boxing Day while nibbling on leftovers? Nope, follow these 6 easy steps and enjoy the day without the worry!

Calorie, calories, calories!

Think of your caloric allowance as a weekly average. We all know we're likely to overdo it on the day, so look to make up for it before and afterwards. Have two or three low-calorie days, perhaps using an intermittent fasting strategy to help make up the difference.

Get out and about!

Do something active before the meal. It'll help to up your calorie expenditure and offset that massive meal to some extent (you're probably going to spend the evening on the sofa!).

Drink smart.

There'll be a more detailed post about this tomorrow, but in short if you stick to clear spirits and diet mixers you're on to a winner.

Change up the order!

Eat the least calorie dense foods on your plate first (vegetables - especially those well-loved sprouts!), then the protein portion. This will help you to feel more full before cracking into those more-ish spuds! And don't be afraid to leave food on your plate!


Drink a glass of water before the meal and sip on water throughout. This will help to induce that full feeling and has been shown to be a really effective way of reducing the amount you then eat.

And finally...

Most importantly - enjoy the day! One of the biggest handicaps to weight loss is stress. Christmas should be a great way of relieving that stress with the ones you love. Have fun!